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Jubril Saba bags award in Family Business Consulting


Abdullahi Jubril Saba, accomplished Human Resources Consultant and currently Practice Lead with Afrissance, an Organizational Development Firm based in Lagos, has been awarded the Global Education Network (GEN) Certificate in Family Business Advising (CFBA) by the Family Firm Institute (FFI)

The Global Education Network (GEN) Certificate in Family Business Advising (CFBA) by the Family Firm Institute (FFI) is a certificate presented to individuals who have achieved comprehensive professional knowledge and gained significant expertise valuable to family business and family wealth clients.


According to the FFI, the Certificate in Family Business Advising is designed to increase awareness and exposure to concepts, skills and knowledge necessary to optimize effectiveness as family business advisors and consultants.

While commending Saba and other recipients, President of the Family Firm Institute, Judy Green, said “through completion of the certificate program, Abdullahi Jubril Saba has gained a deeper understanding of the needs of family-owned enterprises and the many roles family business and non-family members play.”


Saba is a proven leader who reached HR Director level in a leading telecommunications company with global operations. Having been thrust into a high-­pressured leadership role at an early stage of his career, he honed his leadership development skills at HR Director level and acquired an uncommon understanding of business operations in the telecoms sector.

He is regarded as a very credible, business savvy HR Leader that can be relied upon to make optimal people decisions for the business. Based on this experience, Jubril joined Afrissance, an organisational development firm as a Practice Lead for the Leadership Development and Coaching practice where he is able to offer his experience, knowledge and skills in building leaders that will fuel the growth of the continent in the immediate future.


Jubril values the importance of gauging the organisational context accurately, and seeking out coaches across various stakeholder groups to support one’s growth and to act as a medium for The 4 Rs: Reflecting, Re­aligning, Re­-energising and Re-­emerging.

An INSEAD scholar and an alumnus of the Manchester Business School and The Federal University of Technology, Akure, he holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, a Diploma in Business Administration and is currently completing an Executive Masters Program on Individual and Organisational Psychology.


He is a certified Integral Coach and a member of the International Coach Federation. He is also a member of the Family Firm Institute in Boston, where he is a de Visscher & Co scholar and holds a Certificate in Family Business Advising.

Participants in the Family Firm Institute (FFI) program have access to cutting edge information and resources for exploring the core disciplines — behavioral science, finance, law and management science — and steps for forming collaborative teams. FFI provides multidisciplinary educational programs to advance family enterprises worldwide by enabling collaboration between family enterprise practitioners and academics, creating a global network of professionals.


The prestigious CFBA is a leading Global Family Enterprise Membership Association Awards distinguished certificate. This distinction further ensures that the highest standards in professional best practices will be implemented.

The Family Firm Institute (, is an international professional membership organization of over 1800 individuals and organizations across 88 countries, dedicated to providing interdisciplinary education and networking opportunities for family business and family wealth advisors, consultants, educators and researchers.


It works to increase public awareness and broaden the understanding of trends and developments in the family business and family wealth fields. As the dominant form of business organization worldwide, family businesses make a unique contribution to the social vitality and economic wealth of communities. FFI seeks to increase the understanding of the family enterprise as a fundamental driver of global economic growth and prosperity.

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