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Daddy Freeze is an agent of confusion and a false Prophet

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Nneka Okumazie


If your time is precious to you, there won’t be need wasting it watching his loony video rants. Daddy Freeze is a false prophet.

His only goal is to attack the Church. He has on numerous occasions used disrespectful adjectives while talking about Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The amount of foolishness he spews, and seems convinced about is staggering. He distorts everything. He says giving does not mean giving; David, Moses and Abraham were not Christians, alcohol consumption is a part of Christianity, etc.


Tithes, the mainstay of his exanimate fame, weren’t requested in the Epistles, so it is null. Do not pray against all enemies, OK, (like the Apostles when Herod took Peter). Thank you.

Daddy Freeze wants to tame the Church. But the Church cannot be tamed, caged or prevailed against. He never suggests anything – just criticism. He wants everyone else to look bad. He craves glory. Daddy Freeze ticks the all the boxes of steal, kill and destroy.


There are people rehabilitated from alcoholism and chain-smoking who said they knew it wasn’t right. The Spirit of Truth may have convicted them, who knows? While under influence, actions at home, work, etc., often steals or kills or destroy, but Daddy Freeze says its fine.

According to the Scriptures, “But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envying, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”


You can decide for yourself where Daddy Freeze fits: the works of the flesh or the fruits of the Spirit? And yes, Christianity is not under the law, but it said “against such there is no law.” What law was it talking about here, the old law, a new law? So does it mean some parts of the law are still allowed but should not be against these fruits? Or be for the works for the flesh? Or (broadly speaking) must not be for anything else aside the Blood of Jesus shed for the remission of sins?

“Christ purchased our freedom [redeeming us] from the curse (doom) of the Law [and its condemnation] by [Himself] becoming a curse for us, for it is written [in the Scriptures], Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified).” Was the verse talking about punishment for sin? Maybe. Was the verse also talking about sin and redemption in general? Yes. But does it mean “against such there is no law” is voided? Maybe not.


Apostle Paul said in Corinthians that the brethren from Macedonia helped him when he was in need. Also, he wrote in Philippians that that Church sent him gifts. But the Epistles were generally repetitive of more problematic sins that were routine, not giving. Maybe they didn’t have a problem giving to the Church, hence unnecessary to insist, who knows? Miracles – writing to the Churches – were not really stated, but miracles are always possible.

Jesus told a rich man to sell all he had and give to the poor and he will have treasures in heaven, and then follow Him. So two things: give and follow – in order to have eternal life. The rich man had said he didn’t have problems with the commandments, but declined giving or following, or both. Who knows? So his weaknesses may have been sacrificial giving or evangelism or sanctification. Not, say, tithes. It was not recorded that Peter had a problem allowing Christ use his boat [giving], but Peter had other problems like timidity [denials] and doubt [sinking] before Jesus left.


Two weeks ago, Daddy Freeze made news when he promoted an old video that surfaced of a renowned Pastor who implied no tithes, no heaven. Daddy Freeze responded with several foolish points, and attacked Christ directly by saying, were Heaven based on this, Jesus would not make it. What? His cohorts roared, saying so anyone could do anything, just pay tithes and enter Heaven. Daddy Freeze also stated five berserk reasons he believes that Pastor would miss Heaven.

The first thing to note is that judgement towards making Heaven will be personal for everyone. There were a couple of requirements, speaking strictly about the Bible, towards entry. There is be born again, be born of water and spirit, there is also believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, believe in His resurrection, etc.


But a person can do everything and miss one thing, possibly something aware of; maybe selfishness, maybe unforgiveness, or bitterness, maybe not preaching at a very useful chance, or any of the works of the flesh, who knows? Judgement for the thief at the cross, who just believed on the Messiah, will be different from those who heard, ignored and declined.

According to the Scriptures, “work out your salvation with fear and trembling”; genuine Christianity can be a struggle sometimes, with life, challenges, temptations, condemnations and besetting sins. But it is advised to endure till the end. Prayers are easy for some, being workers is easy for others, some love worship but have – obedience – struggles in other areas. It was also said that “In struggling against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.”

So it is a process of watching, praying, grace and mercy, until final admission in Heaven. And while on earth, abstaining from unrighteousness saves from lots of troubles. Those who have chosen the Way, the Truth and the Life, continue with Him. Prosperity may come or may not. Healing may come or may not. Persecution may come and stay. But it was advised to be of good cheer.

As a genuine Christian, if you are convicted of not paying tithes or first fruit or other giving opportunities and you don’t change, you may have to explain to the One who convicted you. But you may not believe or accept that; in any case, no one should force you. If you always feel forced to give in any church, and you don’t have, it is advisable to get out of there.

Because of the internet and social media, Churches are now exposed to some who only follow to get attention and swoop. Whatever people with similar beliefs say to themselves, it is not the concern of anyone else. But as nothing is going for Nigeria, and with the leader of the lazy, do-nothing youths, Daddy Freeze, the Church is supposed to do the work of the government.

They argue Christianity was brought to Nigeria, and we are doing it more than others, OK. Smartphones were brought to Nigeria. Cinematography was brought to Nigeria. Education was brought to Nigeria. Jetliners were brought to Nigeria. Vehicles were brought to Nigeria. Twitter was brought to Nigeria. Banking was brought to Nigeria. Facebook was brought to Nigeria. Payment was brought to Nigeria. Internet was brought to Nigeria. GSM was brought to Nigeria. Cable TV was brought to Nigeria. Or how else does useful stuff available from other places get to new places if not taken there?

They also argue that in China no Churches but growth, OK. But the Chinese have their approved religion. In fact true Churches would have exploded in China had they not suppressed it. There is a lot of censorship in China. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, maybe this contributes to their situation, who can know? No Google in Mainland. No Twitter. No Facebook. No Instagram. No free speech. Regimented protests, etc. And even though China is a manufacturing behemoth, major breakthrough innovations are not too common, mostly copycats and intellectual property theft.

But that does not mean China is not far better than Nigeria, it is. Churches are not the reason why Nigeria is underdeveloped. David Yonggi Cho of South Korea leads a humongous Church. South Korea is developed. Billy Graham was for a long time the world’s biggest evangelist, but US remains developed. Christianity does not hinder development. Has there ever been any development project in Nigeria the Government said because of a Church we can’t?

Daddy Freeze says Christians in Nigeria are brainwashed. This is inaccurate. There are many Nigerians at home and in diaspora, who do not go to church or believe anything, but have been unable to become phenomenal successes. So is it a church problem or a passion problem?

Many of the opinions of Daddy Freeze are too dead to deserve response. He’s an embarrassment, blabby and a small man. Moses was not called a Christian, but followed and was used of GOD, means that saying he was not a Christian by you, shows you are the real wise man? Shame; prediction of the winner of an annual reality show means you are a real prophet, pitiful.

Or maybe Daddy Freeze is having heavy fun and laughing taking all true Pastors for a ride, who knows?

It is really painful that Daddy Freeze, an agent of confusion, has decided to drag everyone into the mud of his stupidity. Daddy Freeze is a false prophet – 100%.

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