How to release your faith – Prince Ufford

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By Prince Ufford

Mark 11:23.“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.

*Faith has power.
*Faith must be put to work.
Now the next day, when they had come out from Bethany, He was hungry. He needs some food. Understand that without faith heaven will not attend to you and your need. Faith is the requirement, it is your access key to grace provision.
How to release your faith. For instance, you have a need of ten thousand Naira physically, all you need to do is to release your faith for this amount of money.
You have a need of hundred million for a Project simply release your faith for this amount of money. Physically, if you have some means to generate money, believe in your heart that this can Become a reality. Keep your expectation, your faith no matter the level will give you victory. Faith will make you smile.
And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, He went to see if perhaps he would find something on it. When He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. Have faith in God. Doubt not.
*In response Jesus said to it”, let no one eat fruit from you ever again. ” And His disciples heard it. MARK 11:12-14
*Jesus addressed the fig tree with His own faith. He released death into the tree – through the power of faith, the fig tree withered. Understand that He came naturally like a man to the fig tree hoping that he will find fruit. There was no fruit because it was not yet the season. At this moment of disappointing mentoring, he released the word death through his mouth.
*This fig tree can be likened to a man who physically looks great outwardly. You have a need, you decided to approach him for help. Only to discover that the man can not help you, you are disappointed. This is the case with Jesus, the fig tree disappointed Him. Has your friend, uncle, aunt, mum and Daddy disappointed you before. Did you not feel bad? Be honest with yourself. I have.
*In order for you to access victory as the citizen of the kingdom you should determine to have faith in God at all times. It is better to have faith in God.
*SPEAK WITH YOUR MOUTH WHAT IS IN YOUR HEART. Life will respond to you based on your knowledge and understanding.
*YOU WILL receive naturally the promise of God when you act in faith by the spoken word of God. Say what the word of God says.
A woman came to Jesus with her need. What was her need, the daughter was sick at home. She said Jesus Son of David have mercy on me. Matt 15 :22 – 28. But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and urged Him, saying, send her away, for she cries out after us. “then she came and worshiped Him, saying, ” Lord, help me! “she did not allow Jesus to rest.” You that make mention of my Name do not allow me to rest until I have established my promise.” She came to Jesus with a need
*Jesus said to her I will not take the children’s food and cast it at dogs. She said, Jesus I don’t mind eating the crumbs which fall from the master’s table. Her response to Jesus made him to say woman great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire. Notice she was not offended by what Jesus said. She received healing from the anointing for the daughter through faith, she release her faith.
*When you have a need, depending on what you want, make a confession of your need.
*The children of Israel were thirsty for water because of the long journey. They said to Moses, we have no water to drink, everywhere is dry. Water was their need at that moment. What is your need? Heaven can provide for you whatsoever your desire is. God is the Shepherd. Do you have a relationship with Him? I mean are you walking with him because you are born of Him?
Moses said to God the people are thirsty, they want water. What should I do.? Exodus 15 :22-25.
Moses here acted on the spoken word of God. He cut the tree and cast it into the water which was bitter. The same bitter water became sweet, fit for them to drink. In God, there’s a way out if you can have faith in Him.
*Exodus 17:1-6. Again, they were thirsty, they wanted water. Complain will never solve your problem.
Murmuring will not help you, looking sorrowful will not change your situation. Staying away from God will not provide a way out for you. * There was a time in my life that I faced storms. I have faced the darkest hour of midnight, all my friends abandoned me. Sometimes for days no food to eat because there was no money. One time I was cooking when gas finished.
For one whole year I could not buy gas. Sometimes, if I want to Come, I will go to my neighbor to borrow kerosene store. She will empty the stove before giving it to me. l will fill the stove with kerosene. When I finish coming, I will leave the kerosene in the stove. I was afraid to return the stove because my Neighbor might not give me the stove next time. I have used detergent to take my bath, use salt to brush my teeth. From two bed room to a room and parlour to a room. Faith in God makes the Difference. In all this I was still looking up to God. God will help you if you can trust Him with all your heart. If you have in any way disobeyed God repent, ask for his mercy. Moses follow God’s instruction by smiting the rock, the rock released water for them to drink.
*I am sure they were filled with happiness and satisfaction as they saw the water from the rock. His action of faith changed the situation . “He said what God said.” He saw good report. Faith irrespective of the level, you will have good report.
*Walk daily in the consciousness of faith because you are the citizen of the kingdom. You ought to walk, live by faith Rom 1:17, 2CORIN 5:7
*faith demands that you humble yourself and act on the spoken word of God.
*faith demands that you should see God as your true source of help.
*faith demands that you accept the manifestation first spiritually before it becomes reality .
*faith demands that you should believe God with all of your heart.
*I am a faith citizen of the kingdom of God, I declare with my mouth what the word of God says. Your faith given to you by God through Christ Jesus has become your own gate pass to receive the promises of God. Hebrew 11 :11. The Voice translation. By faith Abraham’s wife Sarah became fertile long after menopause because she believed God would be faithful to His promise. She judged God faithful.
*YOU know your thought, God knows your thought, but do you know the thought of God?
*Jesus said whosoever will say to this mountain whether in prayer or in faith confession must believe in your heart that you will naturally see the manifestation. Every time you have a need your faith should equally arise in your heart. Keep healthy walking relationship with God, never doubt his ability, Rev. Kenneth Haggin said stay with God because pay day is coming to you my brother, my sister. Learn to listen to the inner voice of your spirit man of the heart even by the Holy Spirit. HOLD on to your confession of faith. Jesus was hungry, he came to the fig tree expecting to get SOME fruit, He found nothing but leaves because it was not yet the season.
Give expression to your desire by speaking through your mouth. Guide your heart for out of the heart, the mouth speaketh. Keep your mouth to keep your Life, confession will conect you with grace or destruction . Reason you are not pregnant is because you keep saying I am not pregnant, agree with what the word of God says. See your appointment letter sent to you, see yourself carrying a baby.
*followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Hebrew 6:12. God is willing to help you but are you willing to patiently wait for Him, this is the challenge with some of us citizens of the kingdom. Job through trust in Him said he will wait until his change comes . Job 14:14. I did the same thing by waiting on God for so many years one day my change came. Are you at the point to commit suicide? That is not the answer, the answer is faith and patience with yourself. Job was patient with himself and with God.
Your complain, murmuring is spiritually destroying your Life slowly , your business, your marriage, Good confession brings good possession.I will not beg for bread in this Life. What you said with your mouth is what you will see naturally. Grace will help you. Talk better thing with your mouth. The man said to Jesus my daughter is laying at the point of death at home , come lay your hands on her that she may be healed. Even though there was some delay, somebody came from his house with bad news, your daughter is dead. Jesus upon hearing this bad news immediately said to the man don’t be afraid only believe.
What you hear will build faith in your heart. What you hear will destroy your faith . His daughter was restored back to Life. Mark 5:22-36. And God said let there be light, light be. My own mother was sick to the point of dead, information came to me and I had to travel to see her. True, she was at the point of death . The first word that came out of my mouth was mma you are not going to die. She was taken to hospital for treatment . She died after six years. What you say matters!
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