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I am thrilled to introduce my new column: Lean In – Hamilton Odunze

I am thrilled to introduce my new column: Lean In - Hamilton Odunze

Writing is more than cobbling words together. It is more than an academic exercise. Good writing evokes emotions and raises mind-pricking questions that challenge the status quo. It is how we make sense of the world and shape a new one. The News Guru (TNG) has a new column called Lean In that checks all these boxes.

Lean In, which will launch in August, closely examines the global and national events that impact us. Because I will be writing the column, let me forewarn you that my take will be controversial, exciting, and a wild ride. Therefore, I ask you to hold tight, buckle your seat belts, and Lean In.


Many of you have wanted me to write a regular column before now. I am excited that this opportunity to write Lean In has come now. Our dear country, Nigeria, is in dire need of our collective efforts to save it. I am grateful for your support and interest in my work, and I assure you that I am ready and committed to acting as a catalyst for change.

My first article on the Lean In column will be on August 1, 2024. With every publication, I invite you to share your opinions with me and The News Guru. The aim is to promote discussions among Nigerians and Lean In will always provide a window onto a topic from a new and unconventional perspective.


If you want to know more or get a heads-up about what is coming up on Lean In, follow me on X or email me at I am looking forward to our conversation.


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