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10 side-hustles you can try to generate extra income in Nigeria

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If you’re looking for ways to earn extra money, you have probably combed the internet to find ideas to try by now. The search will have presented you with a thousand different strategies to make money- and these may include businesses that are web-based and do not require many hours of your time.

Truth be told, there are so many money-making opportunities available today, which did not exist 10 years ago. Technology has also brought with it, countless avenues to make an income no matter your employment status.


Here are 10 of such ideas with which you can make that extra cash without quitting your job if you’re working full-time or unemployed or simply looking for ways to spend your free time profitably.

1. Tutoring
Tutoring basically involves coaching young students in certain subject areas, and helping them achieve better grades at school. Students of all ages need tutors for maths, science, foreign languages, etc, so if you did well at a particular subject at school – or if you happen to speak a foreign language, this might be for you. With most tutors earning around an extra N30,000 monthly, tutoring is a great way to earn some extra money out-of-hours, and it is also a job that comes with a feel-good factor.


You can print out leaflets with your phone number and distribute at schools, and you can also join local online tutoring websites such as Tuteria, Prepclass and Simptutors to get matched to parents of students who need your services.

2. Be an Uber driver
Uber service available in just Lagos and Abuja can be another avenue to make extra money if you reside in these states. As an Uber partner, you gain access to the driver’s app which matches you with people close to you who need a taxi. You pick up and drop off the passengers, and get paid automatically from the passengers’ bank account direct to your bank account, minus a 25% Uber fee. If you don’t want to drive the car yourself, you can offer it to a driver to make money on your behalf when you’re not using it, and pay the driver a salary or a percentage. It should be noted that your car must be a Year 2001 vehicle or newer.


3. Real Estate Agent
You can make 10% of the price of renting or buying a property, just by connecting property owners with buyers or tenants. The online space is rapidly embracing this hustle. One way is to get to estate agents especially those stuck in the past, and have no idea about advertising online and gets a list of their properties for sale and for rent. The only capital required is your data subscription and a bit of legwork to begin with. Usually, a good knowledge of the local area is an advantage. A great thing about this job, aside from the fact that you could make so much in just one transaction, is that you have the freedom to determine your own schedule.

4. Wedding/Party MC
If you’re a social person who enjoys attending weddings and speaking in public, you can consider a side hustle as a wedding MC. In fact, weddings are one event which most people don’t compromise on, and an MC is a vital part of each wedding. If you charge ₦35,000 for each wedding, and officiate a wedding each weekend, that’s an extra ₦140,000 in your pocket each month – some people’s monthly salary! WeddingGuru explains the duties and qualities of a good wedding MC. (Read here- Duties of a wedding MC)


5. Dropshipping
A dropshipper owns an online store and processes sales, but never actually touches the products. He/She forwards all orders to the wholesaler who directly ships the product to the customer anywhere in the world, bagging the difference between the wholesale and retail prices. So many millionaires have been made through this strategy, as all you do is research new products, advertise in your store, and fulfill orders. One of the easiest ways to set up an online store without forking out hundreds of thousands upfront is to use store building services like Shopify.

6. Manage social media for small businesses
There are a lot of small businesses who need a social media manager, but are unable to hire someone full-time to post regularly on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat or Twitter. You can take it upon yourself to contact local businesses and offer them your services for a contracted monthly fee. This is an easy way to make money no matter where you live.


7. Travel Agent
Nigerians love to travel, and either because of a tight schedule or lack of understanding of the travel process, they need a travel agent to assist them with all their plans. Becoming a travel agent simply requires a short training on how the traveling process, both domestic and international, works. These include package deals, visa processing, Flight booking etc.You do not need a college degree. At most, you need a secondary school certificate. You can earn a lot as well, depending on the reputation you have built for yourself.

8. Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing has enabled many people to quit their day jobs and earn full-time income online. It’s unbelievable the amount of money people make on the internet. You can invest some money out of your salary to start a blog and grow your affiliate marketing business. With the right touches and a little patience, you will be making more money than you ever imagine.


9. Sports viewing centers
Nigerians love football and most football matches take place during the weekends. Matches that happen during weekdays, happen in the evenings so this is a perfect business for people in employment to make money.
Also, there are other good business you can blend with this, like sports betting which is a natural fit for sports lovers and a side-bar where people can have their drinks while they enjoy their football. Since football is generally a men’s game, you can also feature a barbing salon by the side and put someone there to be giving you money regularly. In any case, it’s a win-win situation.

10. Barbing salon / Beauty Shop
Many workers open barbing salons or beauty shops and put skilled people in charge. They make an arrangement where they collect an agreed amount regularly. It’s important to be mindful who you put in charge, though. Find a system of profit sharing that works for everyone to avoid disagreements.


Best of luck!


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