Men of these days are weaklings- Yetunde Bakare throws bombshell


Called ebony beauty by her numerous fans, Yetunde Bakare without doubts is one of the actresses to watch out for in Nollywood. With movies like Ajobi, Alani Baba Labake, Sister Caro under her sleeves, Yetunde has remained the screen darling of many lovers of Yoruba movies.

In this exclusive interview with TheNewsGuru, the award winning filmmaker opens up on her journey into acting, changes she desires to see in Nollywood, her opinion about Nigerian men and lot’s more


How did you discover your passion for acting?

I started acting in my church, I was part of a drama group years back in church. We go from one church to another to perform. It has been over ten years ago. This ignited my passion for acting. I joined the movie industry in 2009.


In an interview, you spoke about what a bathroom scene did to you career. Can you expatiate on that?

In the movie, I was in the bathroom and a certain guy was peeping. I rushed out and was screaming. It was really fun shooting that movie and it generated mixed reactions from fans.




What changes will you love to see in the movie industry?

I just want people to realize that it’s not about producing movies alone. It’s about doing something fantastic. Your driving force should go beyond the money and the fame. When I shot my first movie Ajobi, I wasn’t looking at the money. I spent a lot of money on the movie because I knew what I wanted and decided to go for it.Despite the fact that I have produced movies after Ajobi, I still get awards based on the film. You don’t need to follow the multitude, you need to stand out.


People believe that actresses are promiscuous what do you think about that?

The reason why people criticize us so much is because we are public figures. There is nothing private about us, even when we don’t do things, people will say we do it because of the attention we get. I once watched an interview of Uche Jombo clearing the air about a certain viral report stating that she has never dated any man In Nigeria. Sometimes, the media misquotes us. Actresses are not promiscuous; we read our scripts and interpret our roles well. The fact that I acted as a prostitute doesn’t make me a prostitute. I am disciplined.


How do you go about playing romantic roles?


For me, acting is supposed to be real so we don’t have a choice than to make it real. That doesn’t mean, one would go completely nude. When you are acting the passion must be there

Have you ever been turned on acting a romantic role?

It has never happened to me nor has it happened to the person I am playing the role with. It’s not possible because we usually have a lot of people on set. You cannot even think of it. It’s a shame; how can an actor be playing a romantic role and the next thing you have is an erection? That’s not professional.


What if you are playing the role with someone you are attracted to?

Attraction is different from interpreting a role. It’s good when you can control yourself. A lot of self-control is needed on this job.

How long have you kissed for on set?

Long enough, I kissed Lateef Adedimeji in Ibaje and nothing happened. He is my colleague.

How long have you had to shoot and re-shoot a kissing scene?

You have to do it very well so you won’t have to repeat the kiss. That’s why you have to kiss the individual well, so you won’t have to do it again. It has happened to me before. I played the role of a housemaid that was sleeping with the boss and his two sons . While we were shooting the movie, I had to re-shoot my kissing scene because my director told me the kiss was not real enough.


Have you ever dated someone in your industry?


Can you date someone in the movie industry?

No, this is because almost all the guys are married. I cannot. If I am married to a fellow entertainer,there is a possibility that we won’t have time for our kids because of the nature of our job.

What makes you cry?

I hate lies and being taken for granted. These traits can make me cry.Before, I used to hate blackmail. Now, I don’t care anymore. I hate lies especially when it’s coming from someone close to me, someone I believe should be responsible and mature.

Has love been good to you?



Does that mean you haven’t been heartbroken?

I have been heartbroken and I have moved on.

What is your general believe about men?

My general believe about men is that men of these days are weaklings. Most of them are not mature enough because they don’t know what they want. Most of them are not man enough when it comes to loving a lady. Most of them will sleep with a lady and still be attracted to somebody else. They don’t have the courage to love just one lady. They cannot stay true to one lady; they just want to sleep around. They want to eat their cake and have it. They want to lie to you. Almost all of them are not real. You already know you won’t get married to a lady, you sleep with her without condoms, she gets pregnant and you reject it? It shows you are a weakling.









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