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68-year-old Saudi prince pays $50m bride price for new wife

68-year-old Saudi prince pays $50m bride price for new wife

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Saudi prince, Sultan Bin Salman, 68, has allegedly paid the sum of $50m (about N18bn) as bride price for his new wife, a 25-year-old woman.


It was gathered that the bride, who is believed to be a national of United Arab Emirates, received numerous gifts for her elaborate wedding, aside from the $50m bride price.

The wedding convoy had between 20-30 white Range Rovers with about 30 large boxes presented to the bride’s family.


A chariot filled with gifts including diamonds for the bride and her family.

Stories about the elaborate wedding, which took place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Kuwait at Burj Alshaya, have gone viral on the internet, with many reactions trailing it.

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