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7 things you should know about Nollywood actress, Bolaji Ogunmola


Bolaji Ogunmola shot into limelight after participating in the next movie star academy. The outspoken and busty role interpreter has featured in movies like, All shades of wrong, Sobi’s Mystic and others .



In no particular order, we take a look at 7 things you should know about Bolaji Ogunmola.


1.Bolaji Ogunmola is left handed

  1. She likes light skinned guys and very emotional
  2. She is very emotional and as such, cannot sleep with a man without any form of commitment


  1. When asked how she feels when people criticize her for flaunting her boobs she said: “I don’t feel bad because your opinion does not determine where i am going to. Before, i used to be very annoyed and very irritated. My upper body is part of me and won’t go away so i have to embrace it and be confident with it”.


Bolaji ogunmola

  1. Bolaji rarely uses jewelries except if it is necessary

6.She cannot quit acting for anything


7.She doesn’t support bleaching in any form.



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