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Amazing! Charles Okocha shows off eggplant on social media


Nollywood actor cum comedian, Charles Okocha, aka Igwe Tupac, recently created a stir earlier today when he took to his Instagram page to show off his eggplant.

The entertainer brazenly shared pictures of himself in pants, wishing his followers a happy new month.


He was also seen in other pictures holding several female panties.

Okocha wrote on Instagram:” Happy new month world… Girls don’t wear pant again this shit will shock you #quicksandthemovie”.




This has sparked various reactions from his fans who condemned him over holding the pants without shame.


Recall that the actor back in 2018 revealed why he is yet to get married.

“I am still looking for that right woman; a woman who is going to love me for me, not just for my social status or anything; I don’t want to get into any relationship that won’t last.


“She should be there for me like a mother and a sister; she should be able to treat me the way my mum is treating me right now. I appreciate my mum so much; she has been very supportive, if I’m to come to this world again, I’d still want her to be my mum.”


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