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American rapper DMX in life threatening condition after drug overdose


Popular American rapper, DMX, suffered from a drug overdose on Friday night and is currently in life-threatening condition in the hospital. Sources close to the rapper told TMZ that the overdose happened at his home at around 11 PM and it triggered a heart attack.

DMX was rushed to a hospital in White Plains, New York and is in the critical care unit.


While some sources state that the rap artiste has ‘some brain activity,’ others say he is in a ‘vegetative state’ and doctors have cautioned that he may not make it.

TheNewsGuru recalls that years back, DMX battled substance abuse and has been to rehab several times. His last rehab stint was in 2019 after he completed a 12-month sentence for tax evasion.


At the time, he hadn’t relapsed as he checked himself into rehab out of fear that he might again, as he felt tempted to use drugs.

DMX made his return to the stage following rehab in December 2019 when he hit Hakkassan in Las Vegas, chatting it up and taking photos with fans before he hit the stage.



During the Vegas show, he took a moment to tell fans, “When you fall down, get back up. Everyone here has been through some s**t and you never know what God is willing to do for you until you need him to do something for you.”


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