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BBNaiaja All Stars: Nigerians disappointed me by not voting enough – Doyin

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Evicted BBNaiaj All Stars housemates, Doyin has epreesed disappointment with the Nigerian viewers for not voting enough to keep her in the Big Brother’s house.


Doyin was evicted on Sunday after she ganered the lowest nuber of votes from fans and this has left very sad,

In a post-eviction interview with media host Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, she voiced her dissatisfaction with Nigerians for not supporting her enough to stay on the show.


According to her, she’s very good and deserves to still remain in the house.

Doyin stressed that she considers herself “reality TV gold” and believes that her candid and outspoken personality is what makes her a perfect fit for a reality show.

She asserted that she possesses the unique quality of being truthful, while she perceived the other housemates as being deceptive and prone to talking behind each other’s backs.

In her words, “Honestly before you called me, I thought I was going to leave because I had a dream. But then, I was just hoping that Nigerians would be smarter this time


But yet again they disappointed me. Nigerians, when do you guys ever learn? If anybody should still be in that game, it should be me because I’m reality TV gold.

There’s a reason I was called. I’m a very vocal person and those are the types of people you need on the show.


And to be honest, there’s no other person like me in that house. They’re all very sneaky and talk behind people’s backs.

No one really has the b@lls. I have a lot of b@lls, so I should be in the house..but Nigerians…disappointing.”

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