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BBNaija S6: Biggie breaks silence over Nini’s disappearance

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Big Brother has responded to the Shine Ya Eye housemates’ enquiry about Nini’s disappearance from the house.


He sent his response through the Head of House, Liquorose, who had questioned him about Nini’s disappearance on behalf of the housemates.

TheNewsGuru recalls that during her Diary Session on Tuesday, Nini was tasked to prank the housemates with a 24-hour exit.


In the early hours of Wednesday, day 60 of the show, Nini, in line with Biggie’s secret mission, snuck out of the house to a reserved area outside the house.

Saga found out some moments later and notified the rest of the housemates. As the search intensified, Saga begged Biggie for some information concerning Nini’s absence.

After the workout session, which Saga did not participate in, Liquorose went into the Diary Room to enquire about Nini’s disappearance on behalf of the housemates.

On coming out of the Diary Room, Saga approached Liquorose for Biggie’s response and she stated that Biggie said he’ll let them know if the need arises.


“He said if there’s anything to be worried about, he’ll let us know,” Liquorose answered.




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