Renowned Nigerian comedian, Chukwuebuka Amuzie, better known as Brain Jotter, has addressed apprehensions regarding the possible exploitation of Mike Ejeagha’s 1983 chart-topper, “Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo,” which has sparked numerous reactions online. (TNG) reports that content creator through a dance challenge resurrected the timeless Igbo highlife song, “Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo”, with many people creating versions of it.
The video which became Brain Jotter’s most viewed video, amassed an impressive 30,000 comments on Instagram, and 19.6 million views with over 23,000 comments on TikTok.
It is worth noting that the song by the 93-year-old folk legend is over four decades old.
However, its recent use by Brain Jotter stirred controversy on social media with many raising concerns regarding the distribution of revenue after the comic internet sensation offered the veteran N2 million.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, however, Brain Jotter clarified that he is not reaping any financial benefits from the viral phenomenon.
He said, “For those thinking we ripped him off or making money from this whole thing, I understand your concerns and they are very valid.
“I appreciate the fact that you want him to get value for his hard work, which is very valid, and I want you to understand that you are doing something good
“At the end of the day, no dime was made from this song by me, nothing like that. The N2 million I gave him was from my personal hard earned money. I did that just for humanity and not for profit.”