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‘You cannot stop artistes from showing sex appeal’- Tiwa Savage

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When you think of Tiwa Savage, what comes to mind isn’t just her powerful voice texture but also her undeniable sex appeal. In an interview with Arise TV, she said artistes cannot be stopped from showing off their sex appeal and that entertainment cannot be separated from sexual scenes


In her words: ”There is no way a movie and entertainment will not have sexual scenes. You cannot stop an artiste from being sexual in entertainment. The only thing we can do as Africans is to provide guidelines. When I performed initially in Nigeria, they screamed that it was too much; that it was too sexual. We are still fighting the same battle the Fela girls fought. Fela’s girls were misunderstood. What they did on stage was just entertainment. What they do on stage doesn’t mean that they are loose off stage. People say Fela is godfather but people forget the women that added glamour to Fela’s show.”

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