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Celebrities share success secrets at Revamp conference


For the teenagers and young adults who attended Revamp Conference held on May 13th 2017 there was a general agreement that it was a life changing workshop.The event recorded over 100 youths in attendance with celebrities like GT Da Guitarman and Body Lawson available to mentor the participants.

Award winning singer and CEO Ember Entertainment, GT Da Guitarman during his session urged the participants to dream big and pay the necessary price needed on their journey to the top. The guitarist shared the tale of how he taught himself the acoustic guitar. He advised the participants to acquire knowledge in their areas of gifitings.


Celebrated photographer, Body Lawson also shared the tale of how he started out as a photographer saying he had to start small and stay persistent in the pursuit of his dreams. In his words:”As a photographer I would dress well and people will have to ask where I work. I would use the medium to introduce photography to them. Dress the way you want to be addressed” he said.


In addition, other facilitators like Daniel Otabor, Ruki Toje, Fehintolu Olaogun and others also provided the participants with the tools and strategies needed for the teens to make a positive difference in the society. According to Fehintolu Olaogun, a serial entrepreneur: “Everyone wants to become a CEO but no one is willing to pay the price’’.

The convener of Revamp Conference, Precious Eniayekan said:”We brought together these celebrities and industry leaders in order to share their success stories with these young adults and teens. I strongly believe that Revamp Conference will mark the beginning of greatness in their lives”.



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