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Celibacy wasn’t going to make me a mum and a wife- Linda Ikeji


Nigerian social media influencer and blogger, Linda Ikeji is currently being bashed on social media since announcing the news of her pregnancy.

The popular blogger is under fire over preciously preaching celibacy and getting pregnant out of wedlock. She took to her Twitter page defending herself over her decision to get pregnant which she revealed was because she felt it was the right time considering her age.



She wrote:”And I’ve lived by it. But then I turned 36 and I knew there was nothing else I wanted more than to be a mum & wife and celibacy wasn’t going to get me that! I even did a video talking about how much I wanted these two things and God has finally answered my prayers. Beyond blessed,” she tweeted.

“I preached celibacy to young girls because I feel that’s the right way to live until you meet someone very special that you love & who loves you and wants to be in a committed relationship with you. Passing body around and having multiple partners is not the way and I stand by it,” she concluded. Linda has however deleted the tweets.


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