Charly Boy’s daughter shares shocking bedroom pictures

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Charly Boy’s Atlanta based daughter, Dominique Oputa has put her curves on display in her new bedroom pictures. The beautiful fashion and designing student has a reputation for showing off her sex appeal and sense of style. Dominic who is the last among the nine children of Charly Boy, once said she is the female version of her dad.



According to her:” I think I’m just the female version of my dad, we are just the same pretty much, I guess I caught his cold after years of being around him. I have always admired him for his freedom and his tenacity at a time when it was taboo to look that way. In my case, the whole thing just grew on me.I don’t do all I do because I am trying to be like my dad. I am just Dominique, even though I wear tattoos and have piercings, but it’s just because I love them, not because I got influenced by my dad. There are many people who do this stuff, not because anyone, but because they are just comfortable that way”



Check out her pictures below




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