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Elton John calls out Vatican over refusal to bless gay marriages


Renowned singer, Elton John has called out the Vatican over its recent decree that Catholic Church won’t give its blessing to gay marriages.

TheNewsGuru recalls that on Monday, the Vatican finally reacted to investigations bordering on whether or not Catholic clerics have the authority to bless same-sex unions.

In a two-page response signed by Pope Francis, the Vatican had described gay sex as “intrinsically disordered,” adding that the church would not support it.

It, however, reiterated the church’s inclusive approach towards those belonging to the LGBT community.

However in his reaction, John accused the Vatican of “hypocrisy”.

The crooner also questioned the Vatican’s stance when it “happily makes profit from investing millions” in initiatives promoting same-sex unions.

“How can the Vatican refuse to bless gay marriages because they “are sin”, yet happily make a profit from investing millions in “Rocketman” – a film which celebrates my finding happiness from my marriage to David?? #hypocrisy,” he wrote.

The Vatican has been under intense criticisms over alleged misappropriation of funds donated for the poor after a probe into its expenditures.

In 2019, the Vatican was alleged to have spent $4.5 million on John’s movie as well as ‘Men in Black: International’, another hit movie.

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