Etinosa welcomes baby girl

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Nigerian actress and comedienne, Etinosa Idemudia stunned many when she took to her Instagram page on Boxing day, Dec 26, 2020, to announced that she welcomed a baby girl.


“This year, I received the best gift ever…..The Gift of Motherhood ?? I am eternally grateful to God ?? #GratefulHeart #YummyMummy,” she wrote.

The actress and her husband welcomed their baby on Christmas day, Dec 25.

The coupled tied the knot at a private wedding ceremony back in September.

Back in August, Etinosa noted that politicians owe the people not celebrities.


“I think it’s high time people started demanding more from their leaders. It is politicians, not celebrities, that owe society. An entertainer only owes people entertainment. They don’t owe you anything in their personal lives. As long as I am giving you quality entertainment, you shouldn’t come to me and say things like my skirt is too short or complain about whatever I do. Youths should hold their leaders accountable and put them on their toes. Rather, they would tell celebs to use their platforms to speak about ills in society. I think people should channel their frustrations through the right channels.”


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