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Getting married three times was worth it- Stella Damasus

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When Nollywood actress, Stella Damasus found love again in the filmmaker, Daniel Ademinokan many criticised her, labelling her a husband snatcher.


Recall that Daniel Ademinokan was once married to another Nollywood actress, Doris Simeon. Damasus excitedly wrote on her Instagram page proclaiming that getting married to Daniel Ademinokan was worth it despite being called names and experiencing countless hurts.



According to her:” Words cannot express how you have made me feel. When people laughed at me and called me names, saying I have been married three times, It hurt me, but In my heart, I knew it was worth it.

“Taking a chance on love was risky for me, but only God knows how many times I cried and told him If it was not meant to be, he should close the chapter. You are the most romantic, kind, loving caring and understanding, appreciative, husband any woman can ask for. You also helped through my healing process boo”.





Damasus who was romantically linked with Sammie Okposo, Richard Mofe-Damijo and Mofe Duncan first got married to Jaiye Aboderin, with whom she had two daughters. Jaiye died in 2004.





Her second marriage to Lagos businessman, Emeka Nzeribe only lasted seven months. Now she is married to Doris Simeon’s ex-husband, Daniel

His fans were shocked when Daniel Ademinokan left his girlfriend and wife of many years, Doris, to turn his friendship with Stella to a blooming romance.




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