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‘It was an heartbreaking experience’-Tiwa Savage recounts X-factor experience


Just before the fame and fortune, Tiwa Savage was part of an X-factor audition, but the songbird didn’t make it to the finals. Rather than give up, she kept the hope alive and went on to pursue her passion for music vigorously.

Speaking with Nation of billions blog. She said: ”X Factor was bittersweet; It was a heartbreaking experience at that time. Obviously, because I didn’t get through – I think I got eliminated just before the final 10, and I was heartbroken. But then, I say sweet because I feel like if I’d gotten through I probably wouldn’t be doing the type of music I’m doing now. I probably would be doing strictly Pop music or R’n’B music. So I think God knew what he was doing”.


Recall that Tiwa Savage sometime last year signed a deal with RocNation an international record label owned by Jay Z. She allayed the fears of her fans who believe Savage will lose her signature style when she embraces the international standard of doing music.

According to her:” Because they are the ones more so interested with what’s going on with Afrobeats and the movement. From my personal experience, especially signing with Roc Nation – they are more interested in maintaining what it is that’s gotten me this far and what has gotten us this far. So, they’re not really trying to change the sound. I would say maybe branding and artist development – in terms of, our music industry is completely different in Africa than it is in the US or UK – so it’s just learning a different infrastructure – the product is still the same. It’s just working on the branding or packaging a little bit. I have to maintain that otherwise, what’s the point really? You’ll lose the essence of the movement and this movement is bigger than one artist. It’s a revolution. So we have to be mindful that we’re representing a continent and we’re representing new artists that will come up after us and they have to maintain that sound as well.”



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