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Why I can’t quit acting for my relationship- Seun Ayo Sadiq

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Budding Yoruba actress, Seun Ayomi Sadiq, known as Seunayomi on Instagram has featured in a dozen or more films and the role interpreter isn’t ready to quit acting for her relationship.


The outspoken damsel told TNG in a chat that she cannot quit acting for her relationship, adding that a lover can leave her, but her acting career will not leave her.





“Why I cannot quit acting for my relationship is because my man can leave me, but my acting career cannot leave me. Acting is a career I want to be in full time”.



The Les Cours Sonou University graduate also noted that she has been heartbroken and she was able to snap out of it because she believes no one owes her the right to love her.



“I realize that nobody owes me the right to love me. No one forced me to love them I only decided to.Love is a decision you know. I forget about who ever forgets about me irrespective of the lovely moments shared”.



When asked about her views on premarital sex, she said:” Pre marital sex helps you know whom whom you are getting married to , it makes you know whether you are sexually compatible with your partner”.


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