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I am tired of finding love- Cossy Orjiakor

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Nollywood actress, Cossy Orjiakor has lamented over her inability to find true love. The popular queen of boobs speaking via her Instagram page noted that she is tired of finding true love.


According to her:“I miss my late parents. I wanna be that cute little girl my dad used to remain food for am. loved by plenty but always so lonely… tired of trying to find love … no one can even tattoo my name to win me….. I give up… I will just remain a child in an overblown body”.



In an interview the sexy actress revealed why she would love to have bum enlargement.

“I am so happy that Nigerians are looking sexy. As a matter of fact I want to go and enlarge my butt. I think it is very small so I want a bigger one. I may have the surgery in December, January or any time I choose. I am seriously thinking about it. My message to everyone out there is, if you have any problem with your body, go ahead and do something about it. If it’s big boobs, or butt; go ahead and do that. Otherwise, you will just be there watching other people make things happen. Back in the days, white people had flat butt, but now they are so sexy,” she said.






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