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I was born, raised in Oshodi-Lateef Adedimeji


Ace actor and singer, Lateef Adedimeji unknown to many was born in Oshodi.

The multi-talented entertainer in a chat with TheNewsGuru said he feels good about his recent appearances in cinema movies.


“I feel good about it.It only shows that I need to work more on myself and I need to explore a whole lot more.It means people are seeing one’s work and they are trying to connect with you.It means I have to keep improving”.

Asked about the role he played in new movie, ‘Breaded life’ he said:”Its different from my normal role.This is Biodun Stephens bringing me to where I was born.I was born and raised in Oshodi and I left there a long time ago.This is her taking me back to that hood to say ‘You grew up in the streets, now you are back in the streets let us see what you can deliver’.It was fun for me, I had to go back to the streets, learnt a few slangs. While I was interpreting the role, I had recollections of events that happened growing up in Oshodi”.

Adedimeji who is known for his ability to be able to play different roles said he pays a lot of attention to events and people.



“I think the fact that I pay attention to everything I come across.I pay attention to everything that passes by me.No matter who you are or how terrible anybody is, I would make sure you do not go without me picking something from you”.


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