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I was broke, unhappy at the beginning of 2019- Padita Agu


Padita Agu may not be in the league of Omotola or Genevieve, however the svelte role interpreter has said she has a lot to be grateful for.

Padita who recently revealed that she was married to a man she first saw on her wedding day has revealed that the beginning of 2019 was rough for her.


In her words: ”At the beginning of 2019, I had hope for a good year you know, shoot lots of movies, sell them, make money, invest in some businesses, make more money, help the less privileged, take care of myself (cos I haven’t in almost 4yrs), develop myself and my craft, spend time with my family, do a get-away holiday with family etc.
By February, everything was on stand still. I was unable to conclude my movie, I was indebted, I was broke (well, have been for a long time though), I was not happy, I felt like everything I tried to do would just hang and never sees the light. I would look back at the many things I have given a shot and they either failed or didn’t pick up or got stuck and I just concluded: Things are not working for me”, she wrote in parts.

Recounting her travail further, Agu said at the tale end of 2019, she had an emotional rollercoaster.

“By Q4, I had an outburst and my dear friend asked me to come over so we talk it through. I did. We actually talked, argued, and talked some more. We even wrote down plans and ideas on business ideas to venture into with little money.
It’s December 2019, we haven’t started that business yet, I haven’t released (sold) my movie yet, I haven’t received any life changing ALERT yet ?. But something has definitely happened to me!! My family has always been my support system, [ if you’re close to me, you’ll know this already. And ? our papa no be Dangote, or Adeleke. But we De okay ?] Then I have few friends turned family who stuck it through with me. Each time I spend with any of them (during my down days) I always get up with something. That SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED TO ME is not a physical or material thing. It’s spiritual, mental, cosmic….
And now, I am genuinely HAPPY, AT PEACE, CONFIDENT, NOT AFRAID & NOT ANXIOUS. I am contented, yet I strive for more. I contacted all that from the lovely people around me. I also got rid of toxic ones”.



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