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Lady causes commotion with huge bum

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Courtney Barnes has become a social media sensation through the power of her butt. The 32 years old Economics graduate decided to turn her back on the industry after finishing her degree — so she could make money showing off her 59 inch booty on social media.


Courtney Barnes decided to undergo three rounds of illegal butt shots six years ago at what’s known as a “pumping party” in the US. She ended up with a much bigger behind than she expected.

Speaking on her business endeavour, the Economics graduate said:


“One thing that I did learn in economics is that it’s about having a product that people want – and my product is myself right now.I want to show men, women, and children that it is possible to be beautiful, smart, and have a big ass.”



Courtney, also known as Miss Miami, initially decided to have the illegal silicone injections after working as a dancer whilst studying. She admired the curvaceous figures of other dancers and decided to enhance her own bottom using the dangerous black-market methods.


According to her:” It was a risk I was willing to take at the time and I was lucky not to have any complications. I was naive and I admit I didn’t know what I was putting in my body, but at the time a lot of women in Florida were getting it done and I found a local women who could do it.”


Courtney has 379,000 Instagram followers and is a successful model. But despite her lucrative earnings, Courtney says her huge posterior means that people don’t take her seriously and over-sexualize her.

“My career is fun but at the same time it is really difficult for people to take you seriously when it comes to certain businesses. I feel like having a really big butt or having really big boobs, you are completely over sexualized.People only want to buy something sexual from you and only want to consider you in that way but I actually have a brain and I’m very business-minded.People stare at me everywhere I go and not every reaction is positive. I feel like women are intimidated by me and men view me as a piece of meat” she said in an interview with Mirror Uk


On how guys react when they see her butts, she said:Two times in my life I’ve had guys pumping gas at the gas station and they are watching me and they drive off with pump in their car. It’s crazy, they just lose focus.”










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