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How I met my husband through social media- Judith Audu Foght


When you think of Judith Audu Foght what comes to mind isn’t just her acting talent but also her versatility. She is a talent with her fingers in many pies. Foght is a blogger,OAP and a budding producer. Judith got her break in 2004 when ASUU was on strike, she quit shortly after to pursue her education only to return in 2011.

Amazingly, Judith met her man on social media via Facebook. Speaking in a recent chat with Broadway TV Africa she said:”Ah me, social media is my life . I keep telling people that I am one of those people that social media has helped in a lot of ways that can’t be said into one. My marriage was from social media, my career was bloomed from social media, every single I have done I have probably gotten from social media. For me, social media has been absolutely amazing in my life, I can’t even begin to count how I have benefited from it”.


When asked how long it took her to eventually marry her husband she said:”I did not just start chatting with somebody and we got married the next day. After we met, we actually dated for about three years “.

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