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We need to dismantle PMAN- 9ice


Outspoken Nigerian singer, 9ice has opened up on the role of the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN). The Gongo Aso singer said PMAN needs to be dismantled. He stressed that there is a need for an association that speaks with one voice.

In his words:” We need to dismantle PMAN, PMAN isn’t functioning, what we have are different segments. We need to have an association that speaks for all so that through them, the government can hear us”.


When asked If he got burnt when he contested for a political position, he said: “I wasn’t burnt In any way, life is all about the experience . I had a lot of experience at that time and It has modified who I am today. It’s something I will still pursue.”

9ice also decried the absence of structure in the entertainment industry.


Hear him:”We lack structures in the entertainment industry, what we have is a bunch of hustlers who get things done. The government doesn’t listen to us. They don’t think the entertainment industry can yield funds even better than oil. With time, I think they will listen to us” he said in a chat with Rubbin Minds.

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