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I never cheated on my wife- Chris Attoh

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Suave Ghanaian actor, Chris Attoh whose 2-year-old marriage to actress, Damilola Adegbite recently hit the rocks has disclosed that he never cheated on his wife.



Speaking on a recent Podcast interview, the talented actor said marriage is a serious business and he never cheated on his wife.





Hear him: “Marriage is a beautiful thing and more importantly, Marriage is serious business. It’s a partnership, it’s not a game of chess and if you look into your bible, you will find out that God said, a man who finds a wife finds a good thing. It also says that man is better off on his own but if you do find a wife, you find a good thing. So it’s an addition, you are an addition to that destiny.



“I think that we have forgotten what the fundamentals of marriage comes down to. When you love someone, you should be able to forgive, respect, submit and these are the things that are important.




“I can gladly say that I never cheated because I didn’t find a reason to when you keep yourself busy as well, it helps”.







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