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Nollywood couple celebrate wedding anniversary months after separation

Nollywood couple celebrate wedding anniversary months after separation

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Nollywood couple, Yewande Adekoya Abiodun and Abiodun Thomas, have got many talking as they celebrate their wedding anniversary.


The couples are marking their wedding anniversary today, the 14th of February 2022.

One of Yewande’s closest friends, Tawa Ajisefini, shared the update on her Instagram page, wishing them on their anniversary.


She wrote: Happy anniversary to my fam?????? May Allah continue to bless your home guys.

However, the couple has not confirmed this news on their social media pages, but Yewande reacted to her friend’s post.


The mother of two expressed love to her friend for wishing her well.

She wrote: Taaaaaa, my love ????

Advertisement (TNG) last year reported that all is not well in the 8-year-old marriage of the couple following her husband’s moving out of the matrimonial home.

Recall that Yewande had written a letter sometime during their wedding anniversary.


See the letter below
My Darling Abiodun


Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over, You are my best mate.

For your presence in my life, I thank fate. You are the reason my face bears a smile so wide, Thank you so much for loving me in a very special way, for supporting me all the way, you will always be my Prince Charming.


How can I even begin to put into words what being married to you feels like? How do I describe how you make me feel?I Love you for many reasons, I Love you for opening my eyes, showing me my self-worth, being my strength when I am weak, being my rock through hard times and I Love you for the caring person that you are.

I love that glowing look you get in your eyes right before you tell me you love me.

I love that you ask me how I am doing—for no reason.

Just because you want to make sure I’m feeling okay.

My words fall short to express what my heart feels so deeply.

You love me just the way God created me, with every scare and imperfection.

You see past my outward flaws into the depths of my heart and you love me just the same.

Just one look from you and I know everything is going to be ok. We are so alike, and so different, in all the right ways. You are considerably more selfless than I deserve. You are my best friend, and I am so blessed that God chose you to be my husband.

I love us. I love our life together. I love you the way you love me,

All my love, Now and always!

Your wife: Yewande Adekoya Abiodun

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