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Omotola unveils plans for 40th birthday celebration

Omotola shows her wild side in Alter Ego(Video)


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Sensational actress and entrepreneur, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, popularly referred will be commemorating her 40th birthday with a five-day event tagged ‘Omotola4pointO’.



The celebrated showbiz personality who will hit 40 come February 7, will be joining the likes of her colleagues Toyin Alausa,Mercy Aigbe and Iyabo-Ojo who recently turned 40.



An excited Omotola took to her Instagram page to share the details of her forthcoming birthday party, which obviously is strictly by invitation



She wrote on Instagram: “Can’t keep it from you anymore… February is about to be LIT! Are you on the invited List..#Godisdoingit”


Taking a break from acting didn’t affect me financially- Omotola Jalade




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