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‘Oniduro Mi’ saga was God’s plan to uplift Alaseyori – Mike Bamiloye

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Mike Bamiloye, the founder of Mount Zion Faith Ministries International has said the recent controversy over ‘Oniduro Mi E Se’, a song made popular by Adeyinka Alayesori, was God’s plan to uplift the singer.


In an Instagram post on Friday, Bamiloye noted that the issue was originally the devil’s conception to disrupt the gospel music industry but eventually turned out to be a blessing.

The cleric applauded Alaseyori over the way she handled the matter.


“Evangelist Yinka Alaseyori, thank you for remaining calm in the middle of the storms that the devil raised up to divide the music ministry that is even not yet large enough for end-time revival. May the Lord bless you and increase your anointing to sing more for his glory,” he wrote.

“…I believe the Lord has allowed what happened to spring a surprise to the devil. The devil meant it for a showdown, but the Lord had used it as an uproar. Within a space of one week, the Lord made your name go viral and People began searching for your music and began to follow you up on Instagram and Facebook.


“I also went to search for you and listen to your music and discovered you have been singing for a long time. But would I have known, if not for the storm the Lord allowed?

“Your Instagram figure shot up and you covered a gap in one week, that took many people many years to cover. That is called favour.”


Bamiloye further urged Alaseyori to honour God the more with her music.

“Evangelist Tope Alabi, thank you for doing the needful with the apologies, May the devil be continually disgraced and disappointed over your life. May you continually excel in battles that springs surprises against your life and ministry,” he added.



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