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Promote peace with your music- Gyang tells artistes

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Jos-based singer, Jeremiah Gyang has called on Nigerian musicians to promote peace with their songs.



The multi-talented artiste stated that the appeal became imperative in view of intense agitations in the land occasioned by hate speeches and messages.



Addressing newsmen at the weekend in Kaduna ahead of live performance in the city, Gyang said he is touring the northern region because of the demands from fans across the globe.



Recall that Gyang came into limelight via his hit Hausa song, Na Ba ka (I give you) styled a fine blend of soulful African rhythm, blue, rock and gospel.


In his words:”There is moral decadence in the country, reflected in various agitations and hate speeches. And because morality has become a major issue of concern, all hands must be on deck to check it through engaging in any activity that will change the narrative such as music among others.”

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