Sad! Rick Genest found dead in suspected suicide

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Rick Genest aka “Zombie Boy,” was found dead in his home on Wednesday following what was suspected to be a suicide. His troubled family believes his death was accidental.


According to Rick Genest’s manager, Karim Leduc, on the day of his death, Genest was reportedly with his girlfriend in her apartment and he told her, ‘I’m gonna go on the balcony and have a cigarette.’

“After he was gone an unusually long time, she went to check up on him and she saw him on the ground at the bottom. She’s the one that ran up to him. She’s in a complete state of shock at the hospital now,” Leduc explained.


He also revealed that the 32-year-old actor who appeared in Lady Gaga’s Born this Way music video, died after falling off a balcony in Montreal.

“The balcony from which he fell on the third floor was a very dangerous balcony,” Leduc added. “Just three weeks ago, I visited that balcony with him and was on it with him smoking a cigarette, as well.


“It’s a balcony that has very small rails/guards — an emergency/fire escape balcony – and he was leaning his back towards it like sitting on the ledge of the rail, and he fell from his backside onto the floor,” he added.

Leduc later said that the balcony was located “on the backside of the building,” and was not available solely for Rick Genest’s personal use.


Yahoo News reports that the Canadian authorities and Lady Gaga have stated that the death was a suicide, but Leduc claimed Genest “didn’t jump from the third floor like they’re making it seem,” adding that the 32-year-old model and actor “didn’t leave any notes” and had “actually made plans for a couple things that week.”

“For us, the family and close entourage, we feel there’s too many inconsistencies around his death to rule it as a suicide, and for people to jump to conclusions that rapidly was disappointing,” Leduc said.


Genest’s manager also said that on Wednesday morning, he received a “beautiful” Facebook message from Genest, “saying that he appreciated our relationship.”

“I responded to his message at 10:30 in the morning, but he didn’t have his phone on him that day, I guess, and didn’t see my responses, and then it happened around 5 o’clock that evening,” he said.



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