Sad! Vera Sidika’s ex -boyfriend leaks her nude pictures

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This may be the toughest time for Kenyan video vixen and socialite Vera Sidika. The sexy damsel whose raunchy pictures litters the internet has been shamed by her ex-boyfriend for dumping him for a Nigerian .


According to reports, Sidika has been linked to a Nigerian tycoon, one that has stolen her heart and taken her to cloud nine. Sidika and her Nigerian boo have spent special moments together, shopped in the most expensive malls in Dubai, drove flashy cars and all that fans are awaiting is for her to walk down the aisle with her new found love.

Her lofty wedding dreams may have just been aborted as her ex-boyfriend has unveiled her nude pictures. The heartbroken ex-boyfriend has shared a photo of the Kenyan socialite boobs, with her nipples on display. What is evident is Vera’s tattoo, and her fans are forced to believe the picture belongs to her .




Vera however is yet to make any statement disassociating herself from the picture.

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