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Senator Dino Melaye begins 2018 with birthday, New Year thanksgiving


Dino Melaye, lawmaker representing Kogi east senatorial district, will be holding a thanksgiving service on Sunday, 7th of January 2018. The thanksgiving service is to commemorate his birthday and the New Year.



In a press statement made available to TheNewsGuru, the bubbly Senator noted that he is a living testimony of God’s immeasurable love for mankind



“As a living testimony of God’s immeasurable love for mankind since my birth and as sanctioned by the Holy Bible in the book of 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” – that in whatever condition we find ourselves, we should remain grateful to the Almighty God.In view of the foregoing and by the special grace of God, I will step out along with my family members for a special Thanksgiving Service in my honour tomorrow, Sunday, January 7, 2018”.



The thanksgiving service will be holding at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Central Parish located on Aminu Kano Crescent by Globalcom office in Wuse 2, Abuja, by 9.30am.



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