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Stingy men turn me off-Ebun Hodo


Rising actress, Ebun Hodo has averred that stingy men turn her off in light of the trending Stingy Men Association of Nigeria (SMAN) hashtag.

In her words: “I’m a very romantic girl and that’s why stingy men turn me off. For me, I’d advise every girl out there seeking rich men to have a rethink. These men are getting wiser by the day. Young woman, go and hustle; there’s this fulfilling thing with having your own money. Then your husband’s or boyfriend’s would only be an addition.


“My boyfriend or husband-to-be can’t come and surprise me with a Rolls Royce just like that; I’ll strive hard to buy him a Lamborghini. Every young lady out there should hustle to attract a rich man,” she told Inside Nollywood.

The actress also shared some of the bad habits she intends to drop this New Year. Hear her: “I want to start responding to my social media messages; I have been ignoring that. I also want to cut off people who take advantage of my kindness. I’m a very cool, funny person and I don’t judge people from afar. I’m a woman that could go the extra mile if I like someone; I could even give you my most valuable thing. But once you take advantage of my soft spots, I cut you off and that’s it! I need to work on giving people second chances.”



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