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Stop putting yourselves in situations that can make you get raped – Dencia tells women

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Popular singer, Dencia has poured out her mind on how women can avoid getting raped. The creator of the controversial bleaching cream, Whitenicious said it is difficult to dictate the actions of others, and for this reasons, women should not put themselves in risky situations that could lead to them getting raped.



She added that people can blame and shame but “Once you are hurt, the blaming, the shaming, the jail won’t take that back,” she said.


The post has stirred different reactions on social media.


A certain Leaux wrote:”I see her point. However, if she sent out a simple message telling men to not rape women then I feel like that would be more useful. No one ever calls men out until after they have violated a woman. There is so much love in this world so why do we continue to tolerate men raping women who are minding their business.”



Diamond said: ”My point is this there are no precaution to be made, because a rapist is a rapist and has no particular pattern. If he can have sex with little kids, do you think a grown lady with full grown boobs covered with a long flowing gown is not an exception. Not all prostitutes are raped. Church girls still face rape rapidly. A rapist pointing out your dressing is just trying to justify his actions”.



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