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Our stories are not as deep as they used to be- Ramsey Nouah

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Award winning actor, Ramsey Nouah has lamented over the state of the Nigerian movie industry. The revered actor noted that story-lines in contemporary Nollywood are not as deep as they used to be.


Nouah made this known in a chat with The Cable at the unveiling of his new flick ‘Crazy People’

According to him: “Back then I realise there was so much passion,” he said on Monday in a chat with Lifestyle at the premiere of his new film, ‘Crazy People’.


“Everyone was acting not for the money but for the love of it. But today I see so many people just wanting to jump in for fame.

“The social media platforms provide everybody that opportunity to want to be famous. So everyone is just looking for more of the fame than the art.

“When we started, when we did understudy, cinematography, filmmaking, acting, for us it was all about the passion. Like can you draw? Can you put a picture together? And if you can, you’ll realise that you weren’t doing it for money.

“You’d just have this joy from doing it.’


When asked about how Nollywood has fared in recent times, he said:”Technically we’ve gotten better ,however, our stories are not as deep as they used to be. Because if you notice, everyone was acting out of serious passion but now everyone just wants to be like uptown boy, uptown girl. And that’s just the sad part”.

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