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TBoss gets cozy with mystery singer


Big Brother Naija finalist, TBoss recently visited Zanzibar in Tanzania and was spotted taking cozy pictures with a certain mystery singer.

According to reports, there are speculations that TBoss and Ellyman the budding singer, both traveled to the holiday destination for a romantic getaway, however, this doesn’t seem to be the case as another report has it that they were both there for a video shoot.


Only time will tell what really went down at Zanzibar.



TBoss earlier in the year revealed a dark side about her life people hardly know about.



In her words: “The news of the untimely demise of Chester Bennington hit me really hard because I have been a super fan since forever, his voice & songs really touched my soul & helped get me through a lot. That’s why I’m pained that he didn’t have anybody to help get him through his own pain.



“Yes I have been through depression & it didn’t win. It’s really only just a bad patch, not a bad life. Yes, you will eventually get out of it.


“I’m way much stronger than even I give myself credit for, at this point, I don’t even get hurt by people’s words! I just be looking at you like- See this one trying to take away my smile.”


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