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You’re a disgrace to filmmakers — Femi Branch fires Yomi Fabiyi over movie on Baba Ijesha

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Actor, Femi Branch has slammed fellow actor, Yomi Fabiyi over ‘Oko Iyabo‘, his latest movie on the sexual assault allegations against Baba Ijesha, their embattled colleague.


TheNewsGuru recalls that actresses like Iyabo Ojo and Tonto Dikeh also condemned Fabiyi’s action, while the leadership of the Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN) summoned him over the film.

In a recent video, Branch attacked Fabiyi over his new movie describing him as a “disgraced to filmmakers”.


He also revealed that the flick was “shamelessly” used to bring another colleague down instead of the supposed purpose of mending lives.

“It is very unfortunate Yomi that you can descend this low, when I saw the whole thing about the ‘Oko Iyabo’ movie, I was so utterly disgusted. I thought you are to somehow apply some common sense, maybe make it very abstract,” Femi said


“I knew you were attacking Iyabo Ojo, the target of that film was Iyabo Ojo but I thought you going to be a bit sensible and creative about it and not make it so direct but I was utterly shocked when I saw that you did not even make any attempt to even exercise any creativity. I mean from what I saw it was some sought of a lame, senseless person that claims to be creative. You are a disgrace to filmmakers. I am ashamed that I know you honestly.

“I am totally disgusted, totally ashamed to even claim that I know you, you are a disgrace to filmmakers all over the world.

“And not just because you decided to use this secret tool that we use in mending lives, you have decided to use that secret tool so shamelessly to bring down another colleague.

Femi also called on the Nigerian police to take the necessary steps against Fabiyi’s action.


“You are not literate enough to that you have broken the law. I am happy that you have entrapped yourself. You created a scene of a case that is still in court. Were you there when it happened? So you are trying to subvert justice. In case you do not know that is what you are trying to do,” he added.

“When your lawyers were aware, didn’t they advise you? Didn’t they see the script? How insensitive and brainless can you be. You have just ensnared yourself. I am happy with what you did.


“You do not need anybody to call you to order because you know what you were doing rather I would blame people who still rush to YouTube to watch because that is what you want.

“You like the notoriety, you like attention so while the thing still hot, at least let them go there and watch, you make some small money and you do some clout chasing, and something to bring back your fame. But is it really worth it at the expense of a poor innocent 14-year-old girl?”



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