4G LTE Internet experience gets enhanced with Gemalto’s latest Device Management

ImageFile: Gemalto updates device for enhanced 4G LTE Internet experience

Gemalto, the world leader in digital security, has announced the latest version of its LinqUs Device Management solution, designed to help mobile operators provide subscribers with a seamless journey to LTE.

“The latest version of Gemalto’s Device Management will foster an even better instant customer intimacy,” said David Buhan, Senior Vice President for Mobile Subscriber Services at Gemalto.


“It delivers the user intelligence and analytics needed to enhance subscriber 4G experience, build revenue, address device fragmentation and strengthen loyalty,” the Gemalto boss added.

The company listed key benefits of the device to include increased 4G adoption and usage by customers, faster return on investment in LTE networks, and improved subscriber retention, while stressing that the device now offers operators real-time identification and automatic over-the-air configuration of subscribers’ 4G devices and instant promotion of targeted tariff plans and offers.


Fierce competition and decreasing average revenue per user in Africa have created the need for solutions that assist mobile operators to stay relevant; Gemalto said it has effectively answered this need.

“Our Device Management platform already has an extensive presence in Middle East and Africa where we have 38% of our customer references for this field-proven solution,” says Sherry Zameer, Senior Vice President for Africa at Gemalto.


“The launch of the advanced version will further support our mobile operator customers in the region in their LTE migration and data boosting strategy,” Sherry Zameer added.

“As operators continue their quest for ever greater speed and capacity, Gemalto is equally committed to a roadmap that embraces 4.5G and beyond,” David Buhan said.

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