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2023 presidency: Why I won’t resign before APC primaries – Minister

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After the ruling party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) issued new guidelines for political office holders interested in contesting for an elective office to leave office 30 days before party primaries, the Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, has insisted he won’t resign.

TheNewsGuru reports that Ngige has given reasons he won’t resign yet to contest the 2023 presidential race.


The minister who had declared to run for the presidency in 2023, disclosed that he has not received any specific instruction from the All Progressives Congress (APC) on his presidential ambition.

Speaking to newsmen after the Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting on Wednesday, Ngige denied knowledge of the APC directives that all appointees should resign ahead of the May 30 presidential primary.


He maintained that his decision to remain a member of the Federal Executive Council is in line with the 1999 Constitution, as amended.

The Minister further stated that the March 18 judgement of the Federal High Court in Umuahia, struck out Section 84(12) of the Electoral Act, adding that he is under no compulsion to resign his appointment.


When asked when he will resign in line with his party directives, he said: “Because I don’t know about that I’m hearing for the first time from you. But like I always say, I’ll be guided by the letters and spirit of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”

The Minister of State for Education, Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba said the constitution permits aspirants to resign only 30 days to the poll.


But, at the state level, more appointees have continued to tender their resignation, following their declaration of intention to run for political offices.

Section 3(i) of the APC guidelines for the nomination of candidates for the 2023 general elections says “no political appointee at any level shall be a voting delegate or be voted for the purpose of the nomination of candidates.


“Any political office holder interested in contesting for an elective office shall leave office 30 days, prior to the date of election or party primary for the office sought.”

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