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Abuja-based journalist ‘abducted’ by police regains freedom

Abuja-based journalist 'abducted' by police regains freedom

Abuja-based online publisher, Mr Madu Onuorah, who was arrested over alleged defamatory publication against a US-based Reverend Sister, has been released by the police. (TNG) reports Mr Onuorah, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Globalupfront Newspapers, was released on Thursday night.


“We have confirmed the release (on bail) of our Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, Mr. Madu Onuorah who was arrested by men of the Ebonyi Police Command on Wednesday 22/5/2024 evening from his residence in Lugbe, Abuja.

“He was released late Thursday, 23/5/2024, night by Enugu State Police Command who requested the Ebonyi Police to arrest him for them,” a statement by the management of Globalupfront reads.


The media organisation disclosed that it awaiting a full briefing by Mr Onuorah and lawyers before issuing a full statement on the matter and the next line of action.

The Police Command in Enugu state had said Onuorah was arrested over alleged defamatory publication against a US-based Reverend Sister.

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