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Acceptable Hajj sure path to paradise – Sheikh Gadon-Kaya

NAHCON fixes N4.8m as Hajj fare for 2024

Sheikh Abdallahi Gadon-Kaya, one of the famous Islamic scholars, says an acceptable Hajj (Hajj Mabrur) is a sure and genuine path to paradise.

He stated this while presenting a lecture on rituals of Hajj to the Kebbi pilgrims at Hotel Number One in Qudai, Makkatul Mukarrama, otherwise known as Kebbi House on Monday.


The cleric quoted the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as saying: “Acceptable Hajj (Hajj Mabrur) has no reward except paradise.”

Gadon-Kaya, who summarised the entire Hajj exercise in ten steps, observed that every pilgrim that had the opportunity to come to perform Hajj, “God Almighty wants him to enter paradise with ease.


He said, “Therefore, just feel in your mind that after the completion of your Hajj exercise, you will become a companion of paradise. So, we should be happy for this great opportunity from our creator.”

The cleric recalled that many famous Islamic scholars who published numerous books didn’t have the opportunity to perform Hajj, citing Sheikh Uthman Danfodiyo as an example of such scholars.


“Hence the need for you to appreciate God Almighty for this great opportunity,” he said.

Gadon-Kaya enumerated the ten steps to include; intention after wearing of Ihram, entering Makkah, circumambulation (Dawafil Ifadha/Dawafil Hajj), farewell circumambulation (Dawafil Wadah), trekking between the mount of Safa and Marwa (Sa’ayi) and going to Muna.


Others according to him are; standing at mount of Arfat, going to Munzalifa, stoning of Jamrat with pebbles, slaughtering of animal (sacrifice) for those pilgrims that perform Tamatu’i or Qirani form of Hajj, while the last and the tenth is cutting of hair.

While advising the pilgrims to hold on to the steps for smooth and easy exercise, Gadon-Kaya urged them to be orderly and ensure respect for constituted authority towards a successful Hajj operation.


He said the entire Hajj exercise was being conducted in just four or five days, from 8th to 13th of Dhul-Hajj, advising that pilgrims should use the knowledge acquired from different clerics to put the steps into practice.

The cleric reminded the pilgrims that standing on the Day of Arfat remained the vital organ of Hajj, recalling that the Prophet (PBUH) said : “Hajj is Arafat (Al-Hajju Arafat)” meaning without Arfat there would be no Hajj at all.


“The Prophet (PBUH) said Allah (SWT) accepts supplication on Arfat day and the best of supplication is the supplication on the day of Arafat.

“Supplication on Arafat day starts by Zuhur prayer after pilgrims jointly prayer Zuhur and Asr prayer in a short form (qasru). The Prophet raised his hand after Zuhur prayer supplicating to Allah, he did not bring down his hand until after Magrib,” he said.


Gadon-Kaya cautioned the pilgrims against wasting time doing nothing on Arafat day, saying, ”instead, they should devote their time for supplication, begging God Almighty to bless them with good here and good in the hereafter.”

He also urged them to pray for their leaders to be able to fix the nation’s economy, urging, “you should also pray for prevailing peace across Nigeria.”

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