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Adeleke epitomised patriotism – Buhari

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President Muhammadu Buhari on Sunday eulogised a former governor of Osun State, Senator Isiaka Adeleke, who died earlier in the day.
In a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina, the President commiserated with Osun State Government and members of the National Assembly on Adeleke’s death.
He described the deceased as gentle and kind hearted, adding that he epitomised unbridled patriotism.
The President said the deceased’s contribution to his state and the country would be remembered by posterity.
The statement read, “President Buhari sends his condolences to the family and friends of the gentle and kind hearted former Governor of Osun State who had passionately and relentlessly championed the cause of the less privileged and most vulnerable in Nigeria.
“The President believes the sudden loss of the legislator will create a gap in the hallowed red chamber as Adeleke had always epitomized unbridled patriotism, maturity and experience, especially with his recent interest in the protection of whistle blowers.
“President Buhari affirms that Adeleke’s contribution to his state, as first elected governor, and the country will always be remembered by posterity.
“He prays that the Almighty God will grant the soul of the departed eternal rest, and comfort the family.”
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