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Babangida’s arraignment: NSCDC deploys 95 security personnel to court

Ex-Gov Aliyu remains suspended for betraying Jonathan in 2015 - Niger PDP

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) on Monday deployed 95 personnel to beef up security at Minna High Court as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) looked set to arraign former Gov. Babangida Aliyu on Tuesday.

Aliyu, who served between 2007 and 2015, would be arraigned for five billion naira scam and abuse of office during his administration.


Mr Philip Ayuba, NSCDC Commandant, disclosed this in an with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Minna.

Ayuba said that the Corps had been directed to beef up security in and around the court premises where the former governor would be arraigned.


He said that the measure was to avoid any breakdown of law and order before and after the court sitting .

He said that the command would not tolerate any form of thuggery and warned those planing to cause problems to have a rethink .


“We will deal ruthlessly with any person or group of people trying to tamper with the peaceful coexistence of the residents.”

He called on members of the general public to be law abiding and go about their legitimate business as security measures had been put in place against any form of security threats.


Meanwhile a combined team of NSCDC and DSS personnel have begun general patrol of Minna, reassuring peace-loving citizens of their safety.

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