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Benue varsity ASUU suspends strike

NANS protest: We are just getting started - Chairman - ASUU strike

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The Benue State University chapter of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), has suspended its strike, a statement by Kwaghfan Tarnongo and Terrumun Gajir, its Chairman and Secretary, said on Wednesday in Makurdi.


Recall that academic staff of university had, on Feb. 1, embarked on an industrial action over issues bordering on promotions, earned academic allowances (EAA), annual steps increment, among other demands.

The union, however, said that its decision to suspend the strike followed the intervention of Gov Hyacinth Alia who had promised to address its demands.


“Congress was briefed on the personal intervention of our governor and Visitor to the university; he personally appealed and assured us that all the grievances will be resolved as soon as the strike is suspended.

“Congress, therefore, mandated the officials to go into a tripartite agreement.


”The state government has also assured us that the agreement will be fully implemented. The union believes in the ability of the governor to fully, expeditiously and satisfactorily implement the agreement reached,” the statement said.

Meanwhile, the management of the university has announced Thursday, March 14, as resumption date for academic activities.


Registrar of the institution, Dr Mfaga Modom, who announced the resumption date, also said that second semester examinations would commence between March 20 and April 17.

The Registrar advised students of the university to immediately return to campus and commence preparation ahead of the slated examinations.

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