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Bishop Nwokolo advises Nigerians to remain hopeful, amidst endless challenges


The Anglican Bishop on the Niger, Rev Dr Owen Nwokolo, has advised all Nigerian citizens, especially Christians, not to allow the current very challenging state of the nation to weigh in so much on them. Or affect their psyche or faith in God, this Easter season.

The cleric who described Easter as a time of joy and hope, noted that because of what it represents, Nigerians were free to live unfettered life.


In his hope-building 2023 Easter Message to Nigerians at the weekend, Bishop Nwokolo remarked that Nigerians were free by the reason of the power of Jesus’ resurrection to be joyful, having seen the defeat of Satan and his agents.

“So, as we live our lives in our society, especially in this our country, Nigeria, Easter assuredly gives us the hope that despite the social, political, economic and security challenges facing us here and there, we are victorious by the power of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Easter, therefore, is a time for us to rejoice and to actualise this invaluable Grace given to us by our Lord Jesus by which we are empowered to live above the world and above the power over sin.

“We now have victory over the challenges of unemployment and of youth restiveness as they are among issues already overcome by the power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus has therefore given us this victory so that we can celebrate with hope and live our lives without regrets and without falling back to lives of uncertainty.


“We therefore challenge everyone of us; young and adult, men and women, to always hold tight on our Lord Jesus Christ who has given use such hope and victory as well as the ability to stand firm in Him. We are not hopeless. We have hope of better life ahead.

“May our risen Lord Jesus give us, Nigerians, this victory, give us such power and make us to stand above situations and circumstances that will finally enable us to triumph just as Jesus did in the name of God the Father ather, God the Son, and God the Holy oly Spirit. Amen”, Bishop Nwokolo prayed.

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