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Breaking: Ex-Gov of Delta State, Uduaghan calls on PDP stalwarts to support members vying for positions

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…says don’t give our collective mandate to others they won’t recognize us


Former Governor of Delta State, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan, on Saturday, calls on all critical stakeholders and prominent stalwarts of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to support all candidates of the party aiming for positions in 2023, including governor Ifeanyi Okowa who is the vice presidential candidate of the party.

The former Delta number one citizen made this disclosure at the Delta South Stakeholders and Leaders confab to flag off of ward-to-ward campaign of the party for the 2023 general election held at his Warri country home.


Apparently this development confirms the fact that both Uduaghan and James Ibori, also a former governor of the state were politically aligned to Okowa.

Uduaghan arranged for the meeting as this was his first public appearance in a political meeting after the governorship and presidential primaries of the party.

In his remarks at the meeting, Uduaghan stated that: “We must all come together and deliver our candidate.

“I am saying this with all seriousness and from the inner part of my heart. I am old enough in the politics of Delta State to assess people so I know those who are sincere and those who are not sincere.


” It will benefit us more to deliver our candidate than deliver a candidate of another party. I am saying this from experience and that’s what will happen.

” If you deliver a new candidate he will satisfy his people first before you”.



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